warp.build changelog

Warp v0.0.33

🖇️ Remote Workspaces: now your workspace can reference things that live in other repos. This is super useful for 2 things: polyrepo setups, and to execute stuff that someone else has built but that you don't want to set up locally by yourself.

We are using Remote Workspaces to execute lifters to set up projects automatically, without you ever having to install anything on your machine. That's right, if we detect an Elixir file, we'll run the Elixir lifter tool automagically. Zero setup needed.

You can run it too! Try warp run https://tools.warp.build/erlang/lifter2 -- help after adding the remote workspace to your Workspace.toml:

"tools.warp.build" = { github = "warp-build/tools.warp.build", git_ref = "29cc8f513d6648ecba1d67ec84e337642c303289" }

PS: if you need a workspace, you can always run warp init in an empty directory, but that command is still not ready for prime time 🙈 

✏️  Simpler Labels: labels had always acted a little weird, but primarily they were hard to get autocompletion on in the shell, and tiring to update when moving code around.

Now you can use actual paths for things! So warp build ./path/to/my/file.ex is a valid label to a file. Same in your targets, when specifying dependencies you can drill down by relative paths:

name = "user_api"
deps = ["./lib/users:lib"]

🐞 Bugfixes:

* WARP-73 - warp will now always clean up old outputs from the warp-outputs folder when replacing them with a newer set of outputs

* warp will now always create a /warp/home dir for all the sandboxed tools to rely on