warp.build changelog

Warp v0.0.22

Small change that caches the rules based on the URLs (treating the URLs as uinque enough) rather than hashing the URL paths. This means that inspecting and tinkering with them becomes a lot easier :star_struck:

For example, before you had to go to /warp/rules/6d79d7a9670467d52e84da7cd1011fe958572011d5872be4fc62d05a1a40081e-pkgs.warp.build/node.js to find the node.js toolchain.

Now you can see the path structure much more clearly:


[ 96] warp/rules

└── [ 96] https

└── [ 128] pkgs.warp.build

├── [ 512] rules

│ ├── [ 584] archive.js

│ ├── [1.3K] bsb_library.js

│ ├── [ 792] deno_executable.js

│ ├── [ 464] deno_library.js

│ ├── [2.9K] elixir_library.js

│ ├── [2.3K] elixir_script.js

│ ├── [1.7K] erlang_library.js

│ ├── [3.4K] erlang_script.js

│ ├── [ 877] erlang_test.js

│ ├── [ 252] files.js

│ ├── [ 726] fly_deploy.js

│ ├── [ 699] fly_launch.js

│ ├── [2.3K] mix_library.js

│ └── [ 769] terraform_apply.js

└── [ 288] toolchains

├── [ 713] deno.js

├── [1.9K] elixir.js

├── [1.8K] erlang.js

├── [ 924] flyctl.js

├── [1.0K] openssl.js

├── [1.2K] rescript.js

└── [ 996] terraform.js


The rule writing experience has a lot of room for improvement, since it's been only us writing them so far, but we'll put some docs on how to get up and running soon for those of you that want to customize your builds :relieved: